In the song, Padukone wears a red choli and a matching redlehenga with side slit, while Kapoor wears a grey kurta pyjama. The music video features Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone. On instant hearing, director of the film Ayan Mukerji wanted the song,since it was perfect for the situation in his mind. When he met Pritam, he expressed a wish to “write something” where Pritam askedKumaar to write for the melody of this song. The song is composed by Pritam, having a mix of Punjabi beats and contemporary music with a Delhi flavor to it.The lyrics are penned by Kumaar. The music of the song is given by Pritam. The video of the song for “Balam Pichkari” released on 10 April.The Lyrics are penned by Amitabh Bhattacharya. The music video of the song Balam pichkari features Deepika padukone,Ranvir Kapoor, KalkiKoechlin and Aditya Roy Kapur. Singers-Vishal Dadlani, Shalmali Kholgade The promo video for “Badtameez Dil” was released on 5 April. The song was shooton the bachelor day party of Aditi(Kalki Koechlin).
The music of the song is given by pritam. The Lyrics are penned by Amitabh Bhattacharya. The music video of the song Badtameez dil features Deepika padukone,Ranvir Kapoor, Kalki Koechlin and Aditya RoyKapur.
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Download and watch the videoof songs of the best movie of the year 2013 on. The “Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani Mash Up” was made by DJ Chetas. The complete soundtrack was releasedon 29 April 2013. The promo video for “Badtameez Dil” was released on 5 April, the video for “Balam Pichkari”on 10 April, and the video for “Dilliwaali Girfriend” on 25 April. Two songs “Badtameez Dil”, sung by Benny Dayal andShefali Alvares, and “Balam Pichkari” sung by Vishal Dadlani and Shalmali Kholgade were seen in thetrailer. The soundtrack and background music was composed by Pritam, with lyrics wriiten by AmitabhBhattacharya and Kumaar(Dilli Wali Girlfriend). Madhuri Dixit appears in an item number titled “Ghagra” with RanbirKapoor.
Kalki Koechlin and AdityaRoy Kapur play supporting roles. It stars Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor is in lead roles. Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani is a 2013 Indian romantic comedy film, directed by Ayan Mukerji and produced byKaran Johar.